The Pexhurst team completes essential design & build works within tight budget constraints.
Magnex Scientific Ltd
Project Manager:
Rider Levett Bucknall
£1.2 million
13 weeks
Magnex Scientific (now part of Varian Medical Systems, a world-leading manufacturer of medical and diagnostic devices and software) appointed Pexhurst under a Design & Build contract to create very specific accommodation for laboratories and demonstration areas, within a very limited budget.
A particular requirement for Magnex was a demonstration facility for its specification MRI equipment. To create a suitable facility for this type of equipment, a room had to be fitted out with copper shielding to prevent radio frequency interference.
Large bespoke doors to the space were designed to be wide enough to allow equipment to be transferred easily, these doors also had to be copper-clad and incorporated specialist copper seals.
We also constructed a large hospitality area, and designed and installed a tailored air conditioning system to work with the copper shielded rooms. These needed to work to a very tight temperature control specification.